How to know you’re ready to rebrand

If you’re thinking of rebranding, congratulations! It’s such an exciting time for any business owner - but sometimes, it can be hard to know if you’re ready to take the leap. It’s no secret that professional branding is an investment, so it’s important to make sure your business is ready before you dive in. So, how you do you know if you (and your biz) are ready? After working with countless clients in the lifestyle, creative and wellness industries, I’ve noticed a common thread between them when it comes to rebranding. Most people have similar feelings (and have similar goals) which encourage them to seek out a rebrand, and I’ve listed the top four below. If you resonate with even one of these reasons, that’s a great sign that you’re ready for a rebrand!

You feel ready to take up more space in your industry

“I know my business can be more - but I feel like I’m being held back by my branding.”

Maybe you feel like you’re still playing small, but you’re not sure how to get to that next level. Or maybe you’ve been doing everything you can to rise up and become an industry go-to, but you feel like you’re being blocked. One of the biggest factors that can effect your growth is your branding. Not only is the key first impression people get from your business, but it’s also an essential part of building brand community, loyalty and advocates. If you know you want your business to grow and become more of an industry leader (but you feel held back), your branding could be the cause.

You want to connect (or reconnect) with your target audience

“I know exactly who I want to work with, but I’m not being seen by them.”

Connecting authentically with our dream clients or customers allows our business to thrive. By forging these genuine relationships, we’re not only bringing in a stream of highly aligned people that value what we do - we’re also working with people who truly light us up and bring us joy. Whether you know you’re targeting the wrong audience right now, or you feel like you were connecting with them but now feel they’re losing interest, it could be time to rebrand. A strategic change of your visuals and messaging can rejuvenate and reinvigorate your business, while connecting with the people you long to work with.

You’re ready to feel more aligned to your brand

”I don’t feel passionate about my branding - it doesn’t represent me.”

There’s nothing worse that feeling disconnected from your own brand. You started your business because you love what you do and you’re passionate about it, but when your branding isn’t reflective of this, you can start to feel the spark fade away. Whether you’re using DIY or Canva branding, or you had your brand done by a professional - if you don’t feel connected to it, you can easily lose motivation in your own business. If you’re feeling this way, put a rebrand high on your priority list. A strategic rebrand can help encapsulate your unique business values, story and differentiators, giving you a brand that you can truly resonate with.

You want your brand to reflect the quality of your offerings

“I know my offers are incredible, but my branding makes me look like an amateur.”

Since branding creates that all-important first impression of your business, it can easily attract or deter potential customers. If you have a high-quality offering but your branding doesn’t reflect that, you could be losing out on customers from the get-go. Strategic branding helps build an immediate base level of trust with your audience. By fostering an emotive, trusting relationship with your audience from the beginning, you can easily invite them back in to experience more of your brand. But without that initial feeling of security and trust, they won’t stick around to explore more of what you have to offer - even if your products or services are amazing. A high-quality, tailored brand should reflect the level of your services and encourage your ideal customer to take that next step with your business. Not feeling like that your brand is currently doing that? It’s high time to look into a rebrand.

If you know you’re ready for a rebrand, I’d love to support you! Fill in my enquiry form to book in a free call where we can chat all about your business, your goals and how branding can help.


From three-time uni dropout to 6 figure designer


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